As a casino fans you’ll of course be familiar with the more ‘wild west’ origin of gambling, and how even in the modern day there are aspects of it in casino culture. For most of us of course going to a casino is just a fun past time that’s all above board. The same with online casinos too, in that these are very structured and regulated platforms, so there are no surprises. It’s still intriguing though to hear of real world instances where gamblers think outside of the box, or get one over on casino venues.
These instances are of course few and far between but are still fascinating for the average punter. I’m sure most of us are aware of the MIT card counting strategy (which arguably isn’t ‘cheating’ as such, more mathematics at work). Casinos of course have since brought in methods to identify this method.
Aside from this there are examples such as the Mass Roulette scam of 2012, Ron Harris’ Sneaky Software and many more examples to view on the CasinoFix.Net site. Also look out for the latest casino news that’s a good fit to the theme, as the casino world is fast paced and there is always something noteworthy taking place in the arena of gambling.